Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tax Refunds & Rebate Checks!

Congratulations, if you are one of the fortunate Americans that will be receiving an Income Tax Refund. Hopefully, it is a nice BIG check and you can do something special for you and your family.

If you have been considering the purchase of a home, then perhaps your tax refund would be best invested into a new family homeplace. If you have been "sitting on the fence" while waiting for the current buyer's market to bottom out, you might want to hop down real quick.

Most Realtors® I am talking with (and I talk with lots of Realtors®...) are saying their activity has picked up and they are showing property more than over the last few months. NOW is the time to get ahead of the Spring buying crowd. As people start to buy again, the competition will start to drive prices back up.

You could wait for your Tax Rebates that are coming, but it could be May or even early Summer before you see that money. Since interest rates have been climbing over the last couple of weeks, you could be paying a lot more interest if you wait for that Rebate check. Even a small rate change could mean thousands of dollar$ in interest over the life of the loan.

Of course, a home will still be a great investment this Summer, but it would be an even better investment at current interest rates!

When you are ready to start looking, check out my website and let my team get started wowing you with great service. We can make it happen for you!

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