Wednesday, February 9, 2011

HUD Homebuyer's Seminar in Chattanooga, TN

If you are considering buying a home and would like to learn more about the process, you have a great opportunity coming up shortly. You are invited to attend a HUD Homebuyer's Seminar on March 3, 2011 right here in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The seminar will begin at 6:00 PM (EST) and end around 8:30 PM.

This seminar will be sponsored by Peoples Home Equity and Upward The location is the Peoples Home Equity office at 6650 East Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421. Reserve your seat now by calling Shannon Lunn @ 423-591-9801 or by email to

This is a great chance for you to get all your questions answered by local mortgage and real estate professionals who work in the current market everyday. There are lots of myths circulating in the marketplace and in the news. You need the facts and that is the purpose of this seminar. Before you venture into the current real estate market, arm yourself with the facts so you can be a knowledgeable consumer. Mistakes in the current market can be very expensive.

Raymond Warren of is a Local Listing Broker for PEMCO, Ltd. and markets HUD Acquired Properties in the Greater Chattanooga Area and 12 counties in Southeast Tennessee. The real estate industry has been an ever changing environment for the last 4 years, this is your chance to get your questions answered by an experienced Broker who is in the local marketplace full-time everyday.

Lori Dodd of Peoples Home Equity will be discussing the current mortgage market and answering your home loan questions. You will also be able to talk with Peoples Home Equity about your personal mortgage needs and get pre-qualified. Being pre-qualified is a requirement for HUD and banks selling distressed properties. Property owners like to know that a buyer is able to complete the deal.

Peoples Home Equity, 6650 East Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421, 423-591-9801., 6726 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343, 423-847-8001.

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